Mexican National Association of Surface Finishing

The mission of AMAS is to advance the science and technology of the Surface Finishing industry of Mexico through courses, workshops, technical programs, conferences and expos while fostering a cooperative spirit of friendship, fellowship and mutual assistance among its members

AMAS Training

Courses, Workshops, and Technical Sessions

AMAS Membership

Become a Member of AMAS and take advantage of exclusive benefits

SF Mexico Expo and Conference

AMAS Annual Expo and Conference


The Mexican Association of Surface Finishing (AMAS) is a national, non-profit professional trade organization that represents applicators, suppliers, universities and scientific organizations involved in the Surface Finishing Industry of Mexico. We currently offer memberships in four categories,
based on your role and function in the industry.

Manufacturer of prime products, supplies, and equipment

Companies that manufacture materials, application equipment, systems, resins, pigments, additives, raw materials, patented chemicals, formulations and equipment directly related with surface finishing processes.

Distributors of auxiliary equipment, chemistry, and consumables

Companies whose activities are auxiliary for the surface finishing industry, for example, suppliers of cleaning equipment and / or pretreatment chemicals that do not require patent, furnaces, conveyors and other equipment and / or components. This category also applies to distributors, testing laboratories, and other similar industry suppliers.

Job Shop applicators of all types of coatings

Companies and Job Shops dedicated to the application of all types of coatings, including organic and inorganic, functional or decorative. This category is for companies that are applicators and who represent the foundation of AMAS.

Captive Finishing Operations as part of internal manufacturing process.

Captive Finishing Operations as part of an internal manufacturing process. These are companies who are applicators of a coating processes, organic and inorganic, functional or decorative, but only as a part of the process of manufacturing an end product. These companies do not provide coating services to others, and only providing coating services for internally.

October 5 – 7, 2021
Querétaro Congress Center

Surface Finishing Mexico
Annual Expo and Conference

Surface Finishing Mexico is the only conference dedicated to the Surface Finishing Industry of Mexico. The 2021 event will feature over 100 exhibitors, offer intensive training workshops, technical sessions on new technologies, several networking events, and provide attendees with the unique opportunity to interact with both suppliers and applicators of the industrial electroplating, anodizing, and painting industry of Mexico.


Meet with over 100 exhibiting applicators and suppliers in one place, over 2 days.

Increase your knowledge through our Intensive 2 Day Courses on Plating, Anodizing, and Painting, and learn about new technologies and industry developments from industry experts with two days of scheduled technical sessions.

Participate in our scheduled networking events designed to provide attendees with the unique opportunity interact with other professionals and peers of the Surface Finishing industry of Mexico and the world.

AMAS Training Programs

Technical training is a top priority and the founding mission of AMAS. AMAS hosts several Courses, Workshops, and Technical Sessions throughout Mexico each year. These programs include programs on the basic principles for new arrivals to our industry, as well as advanced, next level training programs designed for experienced industry professions who want to increase their knowledge.

AMAS is dedicated to helping our members stay informed of the news, events and developments from around the world impacting the surface finishing industry and your company. Please visit the AMAS industry news page often and stay up to date with the daily developments of our industry.

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