AMAS Membership

Become a Member of AMAS

As a member of AMAS your company will gain access to quality educational and training programs, open the door to multiple networking opportunities, but most importantly – it will formally confirm to the world that you and your company are an important part of the Mexican Surface Finishing Industry.

We understand and appreciate the value of your investment and will work hard to provide you the best service, products and programs that are in line with our founding mission and that provide our members with a clear ROI. In many cases participation in just one of these benefit programs will recoup your annual membership fee. The following are just some of the benefits currently offered to our members with more coming soon in 2020.

Education and Training Programs

The main objective of AMAS is to provide educational opportunities for your company to improve performance, enhance employee technical abilities, and to give you a competitive advantage in the market. AMAS organizes and host multiple courses, workshops, and technical training events around the country throughout the year. Members receive discounted pricing on courses, preferred enrollment, and free admission to our technical sessions.

Networking and Social Events

Through your participation in the various networking and social events hosted by AMAS, members can now connect in a way that was not previously possible in our industry. Members who regularly take advantage of this priceless benefit will not only have opportunities to enhance their professional network by meeting and learning from their peers, but they will also gain access to industry leaders and key players. These events will provide you with the unique insight, knowledge and a new understanding about the current trends and issues, that you can use in your company to remain relevant, and competitive in the challenging domestic and international landscape of the Mexican Surface Finishing Industry.

Annual Conference and Expo

Each year AMAS members will have the opportunity to participate, present, and showcase their company in the annual Surface Finishing Mexico Conference and Expo. This is the only event of its kind in Mexico. It is organized to bring together all the industry key players and influencers from Mexico and the world for several days of exhibiting, training, networking and more. All current AMAS members receive significant discounts on all the events held during the annual Conference and Expo including free entrance to the expo and discounted pricing training programs. Exhibiting members receive preferential booth selections and a substantial discount on their exhibit space, which in many cases is equal to the cost of annual membership.

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Type 1

Manufacturers of Main Components

Companies that manufacture materials, application equipment, systems, resis, pigments, additives, raw materials, patent chemicals and formulations, as well as processing equipment directly related to surface finishing processes. 


Type 2

Auxiliary and Distributor Components

Companies whose activities are AUXILIARY for the surface finishing industry. For example, suppliers of cleaning equipment and / or pre-treatment chemicals that do not require patent, furnaces, conveyors and other equipment and / or components. This category also applies to DISTRIBUTORS. Testing laboratories are in this category.

Type 3

Applicators for third parties of all types of coatings.

Companies and workshops dedicated to the application of all kinds of coatings, organic and inorganic, functional or decorative, for the sectors automotive, aerospace, electronics, construction and others. Unlike categories 1 and 2 that provide products and / or equipment, this category is for companies that provide application SERVICES.

Type 4

Plants with internal process for their own consumption.

Companies focus on their OWN PRODUCTION, with internal capabilities for coating processes, organic and inorganic, functional or decorative. These companies don’t offer application services.

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