Pulsed RF GDOES & X-Ray Fluorescence Applications to Automotive


What is Pulsed RF GD-OES?

What kind of information is provided by pulsed RF GD-OES?
Elemental depth profiling
Layer thickness measurement

Applications of Pulsed RF GD-OES
Lithium batteries
PVD coatings
Metallic materials
High temperature metallic materials
Coated Glass analysis
Organic coating
Quality control and Failure analysis



Kayvon Savadkouei

Applications Scientist, GBC Scientific Equipment

He joins Horiba as an applications Scientist for elemental analysis group in 2013. I received my master’s degree in Chemistry in 1992 and he has been working in chemical industries for about 3 decades. He has published several papers, presentations, and application notes on ICP-OES, Carbon/Sulfure analyzer and GD-OES.

Specialties: Instrumental analysis, develop new product, auditing, ISO, chemical synthesis, project management, quality control, research and development, safety, supervisory skills, teaching, training technician, troubleshooting, problem solving.

He is trained and experienced as internal auditor of management system requirement based on ISO 14001; 2004 and ISO 9001; 2000 and OHSAS 18001
He likes to challenge with scientific problems, design and conduct organic synthesis reaction, develop new formulation and testing for lubricating oils, oil base paints and pesticides. He is also enthusiasm to perform an innovative and creative role in his career.

Sergey Mamedov

Applications Scientist, GBC Scientific Equipment

Sergey Mamedov received Ph.D. in Chemistry from St. Petersburg State University, Russia, where he also worked as a senior research scientist for several years. Later, Dr. Mamedov took a research position at the Department of Physics at Free University of Berlin and followed up with two post-doctoral positions, one at the University of Akron and the second one at the University of Cincinnati. In 2004, he left academia, joined HORIBA Scientific Raman and XRF Division, and working as Applications Scientist II. Dr. Mamedov is the author of 50+ publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and over 30 presentations at international and national conferences.


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