Technical training is a top priority and the founding mission of AMAS. Members and Non-members can participate in several Courses, Workshops, and Technical Sessions held throughout Mexico each year.
These programs include training on the basic principles for new arrivals to our industry, as well as advanced, next level training programs designed for experienced industry professions who want to increase their knowledge. We strive to ensure that each and every one of our training programs contains valuable, practical information. A selection of our training programs are also held each year in conjunction with our Surface Finishing Mexico annual Conference and Expo.
Contact AMAS today to find out more about AMAS Education Programs currently available.
AMAS Webinar Series 2020-2021
Please join for the coming Webinar series brought to you thanks to our sponsors, members, volunteers, and the internal staff at AMAS.
This technical program will be available the rest of the year on the following link Please see below for the themes for each one of the series.
Electrodeposition Bases
Electrodeposition processes and application
Presented by: Miguel Guía,
Sales Manager, Therma-Tron-X, Inc.
June 11, 2020
Chemistry Applied to Electrodeposition.
Process and Application
Applicable types and technologies
Advantages and disadvantages
Switch Mode Technologies for Plating and Anodizing
Presented by: Andrés Rosiles Cadeza,
Business Development Manager, KraftPowercon, Latin America
Date: June 18, 2020
Most important parameters that directly influence the formation and quality of the deposit.
Rectifier types and their characteristics.
Determination of Curl Factor.
Energy saving in your rectifier.
Powder Coating Systems Design
Painting lines configuration
Presented by: Ing. Antonio Gallegos Nuñez,
General Manager of Operations in Mexico,
George Koch Sons, LLC
Date: June 25, 2020
Design considerations
Powder Paint Line
Surface Treatment System (Washing Machine)
Drying oven
Environmental Room
Paint is an Art
Presented by: Ing. Konrad Mierendorff,
Director Mexico,
BCI Surface Technologies México,
Date: July 16, 2020
Description of the pretreatment process.
Types of pretreatment processes.
Cleaning process.
Conversion systems
DIP (Dry-In-Place) Seals
Control of proceses
Intelligent Reuse of Water
Presented by: Ing. Raúl Martínez Ayala
General Director Mexico,
August 6, 2020
Zero liquid discharge (ZDL) vs Practical Method of re-use / Recycling of Water.
Good reasons to consider recycling water.
Are you a candidate for recycling or reusing water?
Why is the segregation of waste essential?
Typical equipment used.
Suitable typical application.
Tests and Trials for the Quality Assurance of Paintings
Presented by: Ing. Gerardo Pérez
Director Mexico, TesterLab
August 20, 2020
Coatings Purpose
Types of substrates and coatings.
Resistance of paints to physical and mechanical factors.
Resistance of paints to corrosive environments.
Resistance of paints to chemical agents.
Evaluation of physical properties and resistance to the environment (corrosion and aging).
GDS-OES for Metallurgical Applications
Presented by: Kayvon Savadkouei,
Applications Scientist
GBC Scientific Equipment de México,
Date: September 3, 2020
Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy – GD-OES
GD-OES: Evolution of the technique
Metallurgical applications
Inspection of coils: GD-OES vs. Double Olsen test
Failure Analysis
Coating weight variations
Dry Deposit Processes in the Metal Finishing Industry
Presented by: Martin Nieto-Perez, PhD,
AIEEE Senior Member
Professor, CICATA Queretaro Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Date: September 24, 2020
Why look to dry processes?
Classification of dry processes
Vacuum deposition processes
Thermal spray processes
Two success stories
Nitrogen technology in paint applications
Ing. Sergio Vázquez de Lara Cisneros,
General Director, Vazdelar
Date: November 5, 2020
What is Nitrogen Technology?
Process optimization and benefits
Role of Technology in your process
Main characteristics for liquid paint
Main characteristics for powder painting
Installation, tuning, and maintenance
Today’s XRF -Attributes Required for Superior Analysis
Presented by: Rob Coleman,
National Sales Manager
Date: January 21, 2021
What are X-rays?
Applications/Markets for XRF
Red Apples: XRF illustration
Features for better analysis (Emission & Detection)
What is the most important objective?
What should an XRF have?
Pulsed RF GDOES & X-Ray Fluorescence Applications to Automotive
Kayvon Savadkouei,
Applications Scientist, GBC Scientific Equipment
Sergey Mamedov
Científico de Aplicaciones, GBC Scientific Equipment
Date: April 29, 2021
What kind of information is provided by pulsed RF GD-OES?
Elemental depth profiling
Layer thickness measurement
How To Successfully Anodize Cast Aluminum Alloys for Higher Performance?
Presented by: Brad Durkin,
International Product Management Director, Coventya
Date: June 24, 2021
Motivation for Technology Development.
Anodizing Basic Principles.
The Challenge
Benefits of cast alloy approach
Courses and Workshops currently offered by AMAS
The new calendar and agenda for PERSON MODE events will be communicated step by step through our monthly newsletter and official social media accounts of AMAS.
The main objective of this 1-day workshop to provide a basic foundation of knowledge for the process of Powder Coating.
This intensive advanced theoretical course provides a broad range of in-depth practical knowledge about all aspects of the electroplating process.
This 2-days comprehensive course addresses the more technical knowledge and trouble shooting in the sulphuric anodizing process, including short overview of aluminum alloys and the corrosion of aluminum from the perspective of a worldwide aluminum surface finishing consultant.
The main course objective is to visualize a basic form of a 5 to 8 step problem-solving scenario. This lesson starts by discussing some basic Japanese terms used in Manufacturing, such as but not limited to: Gemba, Genchi Genbtsu, and Kaizen.
Past Locations of AMAS Technical Sessions

2020 Tour Dates and Locations
Silao, GTO
Aguascalientes, Ags
Guadalajara, Jalisco
Monterrey, N.L.
Querétaro, Qro.
San Luis Potosí
13 Feb., 2020
17 Jun., 2021
14 Oct., 2021
2 Dec., 2021
24 Feb., 2022
24 Nov., 2022
Coming Soon